Recipe in: Sides (Fall Vegetables)

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 Braised Beef and Mushroom Pasta

Fried Butternut Squash

Menu for this Week

Sautéed Butternut Squash

Total time: 20 minutes
    Butternut squash, onions and sage, fried to a golden brown... A simple preparation for this savory fall vegetable.  Finish with a bit of fresh pepper and sea salt.  

Sautéed Butternut Squash Ingredients:


Note:  To clean butternut squash first peel it, using a potato/vegetable peeler.  If it's large (typically) cut it in half between the 'neck' and 'bowl' ends.  Then cut those in half the 'long' way.  Scoop the seeds out of the round end and discard.  I use the neck end for uniform pieces and the bowl end for soups and smaller pieces.

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